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Ranked Competitive Rules – Click hear
The tournament bracket used (single elimination/double elimination/group stage) will be decided by the Organizer and announced on the Tournament Announcement.
All teams and players are required to join the IPlay.lk facebook page or IPLAY Officail Discord Server to stay up-to-date with the latest information regarding the game and the local community.
3.1. – By submitting a registration for a Ranked Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare tournament, all teams and players acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules set herein and especially with the decisions made by the Tournment Staff.
3.2. – All competitors are expected to know and understand all the rules described here. Not knowing that a rule existed or that it was in place will not be considered as an acceptable reason for breaking said rule.
3.3. – A player or team’s name, icon, profile picture or logo may not contain any of the following: profanities, obscene language, gang affiliation, drugs, sexual material, offensive material, slander of Organisers or it’s administration, partners or sponsors.
4.1. – Team Size
4.1.1. – A Team has to consist of at least FIVE players.
4.1.2. – Upto TWO substitute players can also be registered for each team.
4.1.3. – Each player can be registered and can subsequently play for only one team during the tournament.
4.2. – Substitutions
4.2.1. – The substitute player/s must be registered with the team prior to the tournament starting.
4.2.2. – Use of a substitute player must be informed to the Tournament Staff well before the start of the scheduled match.
4.2.3. – The use of non-registered, suspended, or otherwise ineligible players in a match is not allowed under any circumstances.
4.2.4. – Doing so will result in a suspension or extended suspension of the individual in question, suspension of relevant team management, and may result in match overturn.
4.3. – Stand-ins
4.3.1. – By definition, a stand-in here refers to a player who hasn’t been registered to a team on the registration form but wants to play for a team after registrations close/matches commence.
4.3.2. – At LAN tournaments, the use of a stand-in is allowed but they have to be presented and registered at the Registration Desk before they are used.
4.3.3. – The use of a stand-in in online tournaments is strictly prohibited and is grounds for disqualification.
4.3.4. – In LAN tournaments which have qualifiers (such as SLCG), no player that played in any other team at any qualifier that was completed can be used as a stand-in.
5.1. – For online tournaments, both teams scheduled to play at a certain time should be present online on TeamSpeak at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. For LAN tournaments, teams should be present at the venue well before an hour of their scheduled match time.
5.2. – If by 10 minutes past the scheduled match start time a team doesn’t have enough players to play, the match will be deemed a walkover to the team that is present with its full roster.
5.3. – A team CAN START a game shorthanded. You can only be shorthanded by one player. For example, a team can start a game with 4 players. If you are missing more than one player, you cannot start a game.
5.4. – In a best of 3 or 5 games match, a maximum delay of 10 minutes in between matches will be allowed.
5.5. – Regarding the scheduling of online matches, matches can be played on all days of the week (including public, bank. mercantile holidays, etc) and will be scheduled beforehand and announced on a “Draw/Schedule” on Organizers. Scheduling will be done at the discretion of the Tournament Staff.
5.6. – Tournament Organisers and any Organizers will make every effort to inform the teams of scheduled match dates and times – but please note it is the responsibility of the teams to check their game time and date. Organizer will not be responsible to inform matches to teams. Not attending a match due to not being informed of the schedule is NOT an excuse.
6.1. – Match Winner
The team to reach 13 rounds first wins the match.
6.2. – Game Mode Settings
Bomb Timer: 45 seconds
Defuse Time: 7 seconds
Plant Time: 5 seconds
Round Limit: 24 rounds, with half time and switching sides at 12
Time Limit: 1.45 minutes
Score Limit: First team to reach 13 will be defined map winner
All matches will be played on Promodlive2.20 EU (promod_mode lan_knockout_mr12).
6.3. – Banned Weapons, Attachments and Grenades
– All attachments are banned except for silencers.
– Note: for Special Grenades, the stun grenade is disabled. All perks are disabled.
6.4. – Classes
A team with five players can use a maximum of:
One (1) Sniper
One (1) Demolition
Two (2) SMG
Five (5) Assault
6.5. – Determining the Better Seed
The “better seed” will be determined as follows.
6.5.1. – For online tournaments, the “better seed” means the team mentioned first on the match page or bracket list posted. For example: if a match is between Team A vs Team B, Team A will be considered the higher seed.
6.5.2. – In LAN matches, coin tosses will be used to determine the better seed.
6.5.3. – The lower seed will start the veto process always.
6.6. – Map Pool
The official map pool includes the following maps:
– mp_backlot
– mp_crash
– mp_crossfire
– mp_citystreet
– mp_strike
6.7. – Map selection (veto) system
6.7.1. – Best-of-One Matches
The veto will take place as Team B Ban – Team A Ban – Team B Ban – Team A Ban – Team A pick.
6.7.2. – Best-of-Three Matches
The veto will take place as Team B Ban – Team A Ban – Team B Pick – Team A Pick – with the remaining map being played as a decider map, if required.
6.7.3. – Best-of-Five Matches
The veto will take place as Team B Pick – Team A Pick – Team B Pick – Team A Pick – with the remaining map being played as a decider map, if required.
6.8. – Map veto process outline
6.8.1. – Map veto process can only be handled by Tournament Staff and only two selected people from each team can take part.
6.8.2. – Map veto process can be done earlier if the Tournament Staff and both teams agree.
6.8.3. – The time at which the map veto process is being done does not warrant the exact start time of the match.
6.8.4. – During the map veto process, statements from the representatives towards the admin will count as a ban or pick and it cannot be reverted.
6.9. – Side selection
6.9.1. – The side selection will be decided by the team who did not select the map being played on.
6.9.2. – In best of three or best of five matches, side selection of the last map to be selected will be decided by a knife round in that map.
6.10. – Tie-breaker
6.10.1. – In case of a draw, after all 24 rounds have been played, an overtime will be played with MR3.
6.10.2. – For the start of the overtime, teams will stay on the side which they played the previous half on. During half-time sides will be swapped.
6.10.3. – Teams will continue to play overtime rounds until a winner has been found.
7.1. – Spectators in the Match Server
No spectators of any kind will be allowed in the match server other than any designated Tournament Staff or authorised person (shoutcasters, streamers, etc) for that game.
7.2. – Match Server Passwords
Tournament servers may have passwords assigned. If this is the case, to connect to the servers, follow the IP with the password when connecting via the console. You can find out the password from the Tournament Staff.
7.3. – Abuses & Exploitation
7.3.1. – Map exploits are errors or oversights in map design made by the map developer that provide an unfair advantage to a player or a team.
7.3.2. – Such exploits include but are not limited to: the ability to lean through, pass through, and see through walls, doors, and windows, and use of clipped or defective map passages to access areas outside the normal playing area.
7.3.3. – Exploiting game or map bugs/glitches/flaws (“exploits”) for the purposes of gaining an unfair advantage is prohibited.
7.3.4. – Exploits that are not specifically named here are still prohibited but will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
7.3.5. – Tournament Organisers Staff reserve the right to decide what will be deemed as an exploit or abuse. Any dispute made for use of exploits must be supported with evidence.
7.3.6. – Any player, group of players, or team proven to be using illegal map exploits or boosting will be subject to loss of match points and possible expulsion from the tournament.
7.4. – Modifying Game Files
All programs or files, either changed game files or new files, that change the game or add to its functionality, or which interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. Modified versions of the game’s resource files are always forbidden, regardless of what they do. The use of any forbidden program or file by any team member during a match, leads to a forfeit loss, and could lead to a removal and ban from tournament.
7.5. – Use of Third Party Softwares
The use of any third-party addons, hooks, programs or wrappers that interact with or alter the game, its appearance or behaviour for the purposes of gaining an unfair advantage is prohibited. Exceptions: Third party voice communication software such as (but not limited to) Teamspeak are allowed.
7.6. – Illegal Bindings
Illegal Binds are defined as
– Any binding of three or more keys.
– Binds that alter the map model, i.e.: no fog, no foliage, etc.
– Any binds pointed to any program or function that resides outside of the CoD4 directory, with the exception of voice comms software.
– Any types of scripts proven to give a real advantage or are part of any ‘exec’ or ‘vstr’ bind (this does not include anything related to demos or demo players)
– Any script including ‘lookdown’
– Any script including ‘wait’
– Any bind including ‘attack’ cannot be combined with any other command
– Any bind including ‘frag’ cannot be combined with other commands/binds
– Any bind including ‘weapnext’ cannot be combined with any other command
– Binding ‘attack’ to MOUSE WHEEL UP/DOWN is prohibited
7.7. – Permitted Bindings
Permitted Bindings include;-
– Changes to assigned stock single key game play binds.
– Binding of not more than two motion keys (Example: bind a +leanright;+moveright)
– If you have a non-stock binding that you’re unsure is legal, or have a binding that you would like to have approved for use in match play, submit the information to an admin for clarification and/or consideration.
– Namebinds
– Demoscripts
– Weapon/Menu/Select Scripts (includes all grenades)
– Volume binds/toggles
7.8. – In-game names
Each team member must have his/her primary nickname or something very similar as his ingame name during all matches to be easily identifiable for referees, broadcasters, and viewers. What counts as similar is for the Tournament Staff to decide. The only additional information allowed in a player’s ingame name is clan tags or sponsor names. Team members are kindly requested to limit the use of profanity on in-game names/aliases as this degrades the value of the team and the tournament as well.
8.1. – Pauses
Each team has the right to pause the game for a coherent reason by announcing it on chat. The game must not be resumed if paused until Tournament Staff specify to do so.
8.2. – Pause Time (Online matches only)
8.2.1. – Each team will receive a total of 5 minutes of pause time for each side(Attack and Defense) of the match.
8.2.2. – After the time exceeds, Tournament Staff can force the continuation of the game shorthanded.
8.2.3. – The following situations with no pause time left are listed for reference.
– If more than one player in the same team is missing, the match is forced to continue and the missing player can reconnect.
– If an entire team is missing, the match will be awarded to the opponents (a match forfeit).
– If players from both teams are missing and no pause time is left on both teams, Tournament Staff may keep the match paused till one team has a complete or sufficient roster to proceed at their discretion.
8.3. – Disconnects & Reconnects
If a player disconnects in mid round,a time-out will be taken at the end of the round.If a player disconnects in the early stage of the round where all players from both team are still alive, the round will be restarted with the previous scores. The affected player can rejoin the game during the time-out. If there is no time-out the game will continue and the affected player will still be allowed to rejoin later on.
8.4. – Match Interruptions & Crashes, Bugs
The following rules only apply if a match is involuntarily interrupted due to a player crash, server crash, network failure, power failure, etc. These will most likely only apply to a LAN setting where such situations can be verified by Tournament Staff.
– If a player’s PC crashes or a player disconnects, a time-out will be taken. The disconnected player must return into the game
– If multiple players disconnect, the server crashes or lobby shuts down or network fails the game must restart from the last backup/save/scores.
– In the event of a time issue, Tournament Staff will decide accordingly.