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The General Competitive Rules can be found here. The general rules listed there apply to all gaming titles and all teams/players who register for any Ranked Competitive tournament are expected to follow them.
The tournament bracket will be a Single Elimination format and will be organized by iPlay.lk. The details of the tournament bracket and match schedules will be announced on the Tournament Announcement posted on iPlay.lk. The Organizers will make every effort to have a Best of 3 semi-finals and finals, but depending on time constraints, this may change at the discretion of iPlay.lk. National Ranking system will be used for the purpose of seeding to make the draws as and when needed. No other ranking will be considered.
All teams and players are required to join the IPlay.lk facebook page or IPLAY Officail Discord Server to stay up-to-date with the latest information regarding the game and the local community.
3.1. – By submitting a registration for a Ranked Clash Royale tournament, all players acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules set herein and especially with the decisions made by the Event Staff.
3.2. – All competitors are expected to know and understand all the rules described here. Not knowing that a rule existed or that it was in place will not be considered as an acceptable reason for breaking said rule.
3.3. – A player’s name, icon, profile picture or logo may not contain any of the following: profanities, obscene language, gang affiliation, drugs, sexual material, offensive material, slander of Event Staff or it’s administration, partners or sponsors.
4.1. – No tower level restriction.
4.2. – Sharing accounts during the tournament is strictly forbidden. The player who registers for the tournament must remain the sole controller of their account throughout all tournament gameplay.
4.3. – Players are only allowed to enter using a single account and must use only that account throughout the duration of tournament gameplay.
5.1. – A Game is a single round of Clash Royale. Each game is played as a Friendly Battle.
5.2. – A match is played as a “Best of 3”, unless stated otherwise.
5.3. – A bracket is the series of matches that are played in order to determine a tournament winner.
6.1.1. – No card restrictions are applied during the Bracket Play, Elimination Phases, or Finals Phases of the tournament.
6.1.2. – Players may use any combination of cards and decks, provided they follow the rules for Duels Format (Section 5.3).
6.1.3. – Evolution Cards are permitted in all stages of the tournament unless otherwise specified by the tournament organizer.
6.2.1. – All cards and King Levels will be standardized to level 11, as per the friendly battles format.
6.2.2. – Evolution Cards will be set to their maximum Evolved Level to ensure fairness and consistency.
6.3.1. – Each player must bring three unique decks to a match.
6.3.2. – Cards used in one deck cannot be reused in another deck during the same match. This includes both base and evolved forms of Evolution Cards.
6.4.1. – The first player to win 2 games in a Best-of-Three series is declared the match winner.
6.4.2. – Game wins are determined solely by achieving victory, irrespective of the number of towers destroyed.
6.5.1. – In the event of a tie, the players will immediately play a new game using the same decks to determine the winner.
6.6.1. – Evolution Cards follow the same Unique Deck Rules as standard cards.
6.6.2. – Players must consider the timing of Evolution activation and its impact on their gameplay plan.
6.7.1. – Players may not be assisted by any other party during their matches.
6.7.2. – Sharing accounts during the tournament is strictly forbidden.
6.7.3. – Collusion is strictly forbidden.
6.7.4. – Players may not spectate their matches from another device during any of their scheduled tournament matches.
6.8.1. – Players must leave their current clan before they can request to join the tournament clan.
6.8.2. – Players can begin joining clans 15 minutes before the tournament start time.
6.8.3. – Players who do not join their clan within 30 minutes of the tournament start time will not be allowed to participate.
6.9.1. – The player on either the left or top side of their scheduled match should request a Friendly Battle within their clan.
6.9.2. – Requests should include the opposing player’s name in the message box.
6.10.1. – Match results in this phase are reported by players.
6.10.2. – If one player disputes a game result, the opponent is given the opportunity to correct the score or further dispute it.
6.10.3. – If players are unable to resolve the dispute on their own, they can additionally select “Request a Moderator” to call for admin assistance.
6.10.4. – Admins will review match results and may request screenshots if necessary.
6.10.5. – Players who tamper with their match result screenshots will be disqualified after careful review of the evidence.
6.10.6. – Admins will review the match results. If both players agree that the wrong score was inputted, the Admin will change it to reflect the correct score.
6.10.7. – If both players disagree about the score, players are required to upload a screenshot of the match result.
6.10.8. – This can be done by clicking the “View/Upload Images” button
under the relevant game.
6.10.9. – Admins will then declare the winner based on the screenshot evidence.
6.10.10. – Players who consistently report the incorrect score, whether intentionally or unintentionally, may be subject to disqualification at the Admin’s discretion.
6.10.11. – Players who tamper with their match result screenshots will be disqualified after careful review of the evidence.
All players and teams are expected to uphold the integrity of the tournament. Any actions that disrupt fair play may result in penalties, including disqualification at the discretion of iPlay.lk administrators.
By participating in this tournament, you agree to abide by these rules and any further instructions provided by the event organizers.
7.0.1. – During match time, all players must use Paral for communication.
7.0.2. – Player verification is mandatory before each match. Players must verify their identity through the assigned method provided by the tournament organizers.
7.0.3. – Failure to comply with communication and verification requirements may result in disqualification at the discretion of the tournament administrators.