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Bounty Board: Valorant – Solo Challenge (Deathmatch)

Overview Prizes Winners Rules Schedule
November 6, 2024
7:00 pm




x3 Toxii
x3 A D3MON


Valorant Deathmatch Solo Challenge Tournament Rules
Tournament Format


Game Mode:
Solo Deathmatch; each player competes individually, and only final placements on each map are used for scoring.


Number of Maps:
The tournament consists of 3 maps ( Haven,Bind, Ascent)
Each group will play all three maps, with placement points awarded for each.


Match Duration :
Each Deathmatch round follows standard rules (10 minutes or 40 kills).
Players aim to finish in the highest placement possible to maximise points to move into the next stage.


Winner Determination:

Players earn placement points on each map (1st-10th).
Cumulative placement points across all three maps determine the final ranking and tournament winner.

Points System
Placement-Based Points Table
Rank Points
1 10
2 8
3 7
4 6
5 5
6 4
7 3
8 2
9 1
10 0.5

Round Placement Bonus: Each player receives points according to their placement on each map.


Conduct and Fair Play
: Any weapon is permitted; agent abilities are disabled.

: Cheating and Exploits – Any use of cheats or exploits leads to immediate disqualification.

: Sportsmanship – Players must maintain respectful behaviour; any form of toxic conduct may result in penalties or disqualification.


In case of a tie in cumulative points after all three maps, the following criteria will be used in order:

Total Highest Placement: The player with the most 1st place finishes across maps wins.
Fewest Deaths Across Maps: If still tied, the player with the fewest overall deaths across maps wins.

Final Kill: If still tied, the player who achieved the last kill in the final match wins.


Awards and Recognition
Overall Winner: Player with the highest total points after all maps.


Administrative Rules
Schedule : Party code will be shared by admins 10 mins before the match starts on the relevant group chats.

Matches will follow a predetermined schedule; players must be ready 5 minutes prior to the match start time. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

Players will have a 5 minute break in between each match.

Technical Issues: Players should report any major issues for possible game restarts within the first two minutes.

Final Decision: All decisions by the tournament organiser are final.

This simplified system keeps the focus on placement performance across each map. Best of luck with your tournament!


Qualifiers Group

Group A Group BGroup CGroup D
x3 ToxiiShinM-eS BaseplateTwitch Ev3
TheRandyРЯΞĐΔΤΘRBroncox3 A D3MON
LVG MadRushM E N On0thingsmolx
WagmeeEvx_BlackkM-eS XD kaviboyzzMini
x3 zer0LVG Maraya M-eS TEDICBlackbeard
AzraelM-eS OxerNotPuggYKZ Indeepa
B3ASTitsmeDamaRaiDeNx3 A Atomix
PnX EXO JanAExO T 3 C N 1 KNA ZinGM-eS Revenant
iamnotfromindiaEVX Soxy Ä0M-eS ALONEALWAYS123LVG Angry

Qualifiers Schedule

Group DateTime
Group A 2024-11-069:00 P.M
Group B2024-11-06 10:00 PM
Group C2024-11-079:00 P.M
Group D2024-11-0710:00 P.M

Semifinal and Finals Schedule

Semifinal 012024-11-089:00 P.M
Semifinal 022024-11-0810:00 P.M
Final2024-11-0909:00 P.M


2024 Nov 06, 7:00 pm
2024 Nov 10, 11:00 pm

Event Sponsors

Participants (40)

Solo Team | Sandanu Kurukulasuriya
Solo Team | Rashith Silva
Solo Team | vikum tharindu
Solo Team | Shad Salim
Solo Team | VeZpuLa
Solo Team | Timothy Quyn
Solo Team | Shenal George
Solo Team | Lahiru Angammana
Solo Team | navodh piyasanka
Solo Team | Sherwin Ferdinand
Solo Team | Charuka Wijesundara
Solo Team | Minindu Mendis
Solo Team | Navodya Randeep Suraweera Egoda Ralalage
Solo Team | Uzman Ruwaiz
Solo Team | Janidu Chandraratne
Solo Team | Dimeth Karunarathna
Solo Team | Anuja Rahul Gunasinghe
Solo Team | Pasan Madhushan
Solo Team | Imal Hettiarachchi
Solo Team | kaveesha dharmaratne
Solo Team | Vishva Tarunya
Solo Team | Vibuda Dezoysa
Solo Team | Dasitha Wagmee
Solo Team | Dasun Sanchitha
Solo Team | Kesara Jayaweera
Solo Team | NotPugg Puggo
Solo Team | Diyath Sajana Perera
Solo Team | Smolix .
Solo Team | VAsura Maran
Solo Team | Nidula Liyanage
Solo Team | Damisuru Jayaweera
Solo Team | Kulaj Dasanayaka
Solo Team | Ashla Jayan
Solo Team | menaka sahan
Solo Team | Dulanjana Menaka
Solo Team | Indeepa Fernando
Solo Team | Janidu Lakshan
Solo Team | Maneesha Dissanayake
Solo Team | Sandun Shamika
Solo Team | Sasindu Dahanayake